Clients of VTB Bank (Armenia) can make banking transactions at 42 branches of Upay

Clients of VTB Bank (Armenia) can make banking transactions at 42 branches of Upay

VTB Bank (Armenia) continues to expand the range of services provided, developing innovative solutions to ensure the most comfortable customer service. The process of carrying out banking operations has become more accessible and convenient, since the Bank's clients have the opportunity to carry out their transactions in 42 Upay branches located in the city of Yerevan and in all regions of Armenia.

In Upay branches, individual clients can replenish card and bank accounts, deposits, as well as repay credit debts, both regular, according to the payment schedule, and early repayments ahead of schedule (by providing the code or number of the loan agreement).

Banking operations will be carried out online: from Monday to Friday - from 09:00 to 19:00, on Saturday - from 09:00 to 18:00, and the rest of the time - the next business day at 09:00. Within one day, the client has the opportunity to make an unlimited number of transactions.


The following transaction restrictions apply:

- Transactions can be carried out only in AMD. In case of replenishing card accounts, if a foreign currency account is replenished, the amount deposited in AMD will be converted at the rate of non-cash transactions established in the Bank at the time the funds are credited to the client's account.

- The minimum amount of each transaction is AMD 1.000, the maximum amount is AMD 400.000.

For the implementation of the above banking operations, Upay applies a service fee. If the transaction amount is up to AMD 35,000, the commission is set at AMD 200, over AMD 35,000 - 0.6% of the transaction amount (no more than AMD 1.200).

More details can be found by calling the Bank's Contact Center at 87-87, as well as on the official website of the Upay company or by calling the phone number (+374) 11-444-448.

The activity of "VTB Bank (Armenia)" CJSC is regulated by the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia.

Updated 21.06.2024 12:20